Varanasi Brocades & Silk Saris


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Art, Craft, Music, Literature, Dance, and Textile tradition of Varanasi date back to thousands of years of glorious history. the most renowned craft of Varanasi city is Slik Weaving, produced by local craftsmen are among the most preferred, not only in India but also all over the World.

Besides the famous Benarasi Sari, Brassware, Music instruments, Copperware, Glass Beads, Wood, and Stone Toys are some of the other crafts of Varanasi city.

Hand Knotted

A prominent woven carpet is a hand-knotted carpet. This type of carpet is manufactured on a vertical wooden loom.

Traditional Design

A majority of carpets exported from India come from Varanasi and its neighboring areas. This carpet belt specializes in traditional Indian woolen carpets and Durries.

Varanasi Carpet.

Varanasi, Bhadohi has been called the ‘Carpet City for a long time. The hand-knitted Carpet of Bhadohi is majorly exported to foreign countries.

The hand-woven carpet is solely made of Wool, and Silk, and is woven with minute details. Each rug has been taken into special attention by the artist. These are made with adequate technology and skills, as the technology and creation have updated itself with time.

Varanasi and its neighbouring areas are well known for carpet making. The Varanasi-Bhadhoi belt produces the maximum number of carpets in the country. The carpet produced in the Varanasi region are famous for excellence in quality and design. Every carpet that is woven here has a destinctive grace and unmatched style.

Varanasi or Banaras Brocades & Silk Saries are made of finely woven silk and decorated with intricated design using Zaries, this Silver or Gold threads ornamentation which makes the Saries heavy and unique. Their special characterstics are designs such as intricate floral and foliate motifs.
Varanasi is one of India's largest exporter of Beads and bead products. Different types of Beads are used to ornament various productsliking clothings, decorative items, Curtain,Purses, Jewelleries and much more, and this trend is increasing rapidly. More than 2000 artisans are involved in Bead production and Handicraft in Varanasi.
Gulabi Minakari, also called enameling, is the art of decorating a metal surface by fusing miniral substance on it. The process is often appied to Kundan, articals of jewellery studded with gemstone set set with a layer of Gold foil between the stone mount on one side, while the reverse is lavish enamelled using the meena technique.
Varanasi & the neighbouring city Mirzapur are famous for their wooden lacquer ware and wooden toys. Designs are created with the natural veins of the wood.
These toys are made without any joints, and are attractive and safe playthings for children. Varanasi in the state Utter Pradesh was once the largest toy producing center in India.
The ancient repousse craft, considered to be even older than the Banarasi silk handloom industry which has flourished in the heritage city of Varanasi since vedic times.
Traditional artisans use the repousse technique to make faces of Gods and Goddesses, Gold and Silver dresses, traditional ornaments, doors, wall decorations in Temples and unique Gold and Silver utensils. One of the most famous example of metal repousses crsft is the Golden spire of the Kashi Vishwanth Temple.


The history of music in Varanasi is long and antiquity of its origin is very complex and could not be traced yet. However, Hindu faith describes the city as the capital of learning and Puranic tales.
Several references of musical and dance culture have found way in Indian culture.
The history of music in Varanasi is long and antiquity of its origin is very complex and could not be traced yet. However, Hindu mythology describes the city as the capital of learning and Puranic tales. Several references of musical and dance culture have found way in Indian mythology.

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