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Buddha left his footprints on the soil of India…
Gautama Buddha left his footprints on the soil of India and his mark on the soul of mankind. Before he entered Nirvana the Buddha himself spoke of four places which pious believers ought to visit with feelings of faith and reverence.
The LUMBANIVANA where the tathagata was born, GAYA (BODH GAYA) where hoe reached perfect enlightenment; the Deer Park at SARNATH where for the first time he preached the law; and KUSHINAGAR where he reached the unconditional state of Mahaparinirvana.

Siddhartha Gautama, Gautama Buddha, popularly known as the Buddha or Lord Buddha or Buddha Shakyamuni), was an ascetic, a religious leader, and teacher who lived in ancient India
Lumbini, where the blessed one was born,(563 B.C) according to Buddhist texts, it was situated at the border of India and Nepal.
The great landmark in the history of Buddhism is the site where the prince of the Sakya clan six years of deep meditation under the peepal tree, attained Supreme Wisdom (Buddh Or Nirvana, the Enlightened One).
The holy spot of Enlightenment attracts pilgrims from far and near.
At this sacred spot as it now stands, the Mahabodhi temple has a height of 160 feet. the temple enshrines the great gilded figure of Blessed One in the earth touching attitude which symbolizes the supreme event of Enlightenment.
A memorable landmark in the life of Great Teacher is represented by the holy Ishipattana or Sarnath wherein the quietness of the Deer Park the Master preached his first sermon to his five former disciples.
Huge Dhemekh Stupa, Archeological Museum, and the Mahabodhi temples are the major attractions of Sarnath
Another holy spot connected with the life of the Master was Sanksya, where the Buddha is said to have descended to the earth from the Heaven where he went to preach the Abhidhamma to his mother and other Gods.
the city of Vaishali, the capital of the powerful Lichhavi clain, was in the early days a stronghold of Buddhism. Buddha is said to have visited it three times during his lifetime.
Rajgir, the capital of the powerful kingdom of Magadh, was sacred to the Buddhists for reasons more than one.
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